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The Rural Culture Heritage Database Since 2000 the Gesellschaft für Agrargeschichte e. V. (GfA) - the German Rural History Society - has intensified its involvement with the topic of rural culture. Thus the "Rural Culture Heritage Initiative" was created as a project under the auspices of the German Rural History Society. Dr. Rieger, who up until the end of 2003 was the chief executive officer of the Deutsche Landwirtschafts-Gesellschaft (DLG) - the German Association for Agriculture -has outlined four major tasks for the initiative:
The shared basis for the aforementioned is The Rural Culture Heritage Data Bank, that will include all institutions and individuals in Germany concerned with rural cultural heritage. These may be museums, museum villages, archives, libraries, research institutes, local heritage and history societies, landscape preservation societies, administrations of historic sites, rural communities and cultural regions, curators and restaurators of historic monuments as well as private collectors. The initiative is supported by generous benefactors. Dr. Andreas Dornheim, head of the Institut für Kultur-, Unternehmens - und Sozialgeschichte (ifkus) - the Institute for Cultural, Corporate and Social History in Bamberg, is in charge of developing and sustaining the data bank. Ifkus is effectively supported by many volunteer specialists, regional advisors and special area consultants. This data bank, which is still being developed, will eventually include all of the guardians of rural culture heritage. At present, 7686 organisations have been registered and recorded.
The Rural Culture Heritage Initiative applies a very broad concept of rural culture encompassing altogether 30 subject areas. For more detailed information please contact one of the contact addresses listed below. Gerd Sonnleitner, the President of the Deutscher Bauernverband (the Central German Farmer's Organization), Manfred Nüssel the President of the Deutsche Raiffeisenverband (the Central Farmer's Co-operative Financial Organization) and Philipp Freiherr von dem Bussche President of the Deutsche Landwirtschafts-Gesellschaft in 2004 have generously agreed to act as patrons of The Initiative for Rural Culture Heritage. Benutzerstatistik: //(c) 2003 by JOat $style = 1; // Counterstyle. 1 text - 0 graphisch $lock_ip = 1; // IP Sperre. 1 ja - 0 nein $ip_lock_timeout = 10; // Zeit der IP Sperre in Minuten (720 Minuten = 12 Stunden) $padding = 4; // Anzahl der angezeigten Zahlen $fpt = "counter/counter.dat"; // Counter-Datei, chmod 777 $fpt_ip = "counter/ip.dat"; // IP-Datei, chmod 777 // gestartet am 13.1.2004 //Funktion zum checken der IP function checkIP($rem_addr) { global $fpt_ip,$ip_lock_timeout; $ip_array = file($fpt_ip); $reload_dat = fopen($fpt_ip,"w"); $this_time = time(); for ($i=0; $i gestartet am 27.11.2004 |